Jedna Glakasija usisava drugu: U ovoj spektakularnoj slici nedelje koju je snimio Hubble_Space , galaksija NGC 2799 (lijevo) naizgled se uvlači u središte galaksije NGC 2798 (desno).
In this spectacular Picture of the Week captured by the @Hubble_Space , the galaxy NGC 2799 (left) is seemingly being pulled into the centre of the galaxy NGC 2798 (right).
Credit: @ESA / @Hubble_Space / @NASA , SDSS, J. Dalcanton
— HUBBLE (@HUBBLE_space) October 19, 2020
In this spectacular Picture of the Week captured by the @Hubble_Space , the galaxy NGC 2799 (left) is seemingly being pulled into the centre of the galaxy NGC 2798 (right).
Credit: @ESA / @Hubble_Space / @NASA , SDSS, J. Dalcanton
— HUBBLE (@HUBBLE_space) October 19, 2020
Vilhelm Herschel je 1787. godine otkrio je u sazvežđu Haar der Berenike letikularnu galaksiju udaljenu oko 52 miliona svetlosnih godina, koja je danas poznata kao NGC 4459, a 1788. spiralnu galaksiju NGC 2798 u sazvežđu Ris.

Guten Morgen! #otd darf gleich 2x Wilhelm Herschel ran.
1787 entdeckte er im Sternbild Haar der Berenike eine etwa 52 Mio. Lichtjahre entfernte linsenförmige Galaxie, die heute als NGC 4459 bekannt ist und 1788 die Balkenspiralgalaxie NGC 2798 im Sternbild Luchs. #avsotagesinfo— Allgäuer Volkssternwarte Ottobeuren (@AVSO_de) January 14, 2020
Izvor. Društvene mreže
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