The World Health Organization is warning that a number of countries that have eased their lockdowns have seen “upticks” of COVID-19 cases,
and is urging people to continue to protect themselves, and authorities to continue testing.
WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris said on Friday (June 5) that the epicenter of the pandemic is currently in countries of Central, South and North America – particularly the United States.
Harris told a U.N. briefing in Geneva, “It’s not over until there is no virus anywhere in the world.”
She also called for protesters across the world supporting the Black Lives Matter movement to take precautions.
Urging those taking part to socially distance, frequently wash their hands and avoid touching their mouth, nose and eyes.
– The World Health Organization is warning that a number of countries that have eased their lockdowns have seen upticks of COVID-19 cases and is urging people to continue to protect themselves and authorities to continue testing.
WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris said on Friday that the epicenter of the pandemic is currently in countries of Central, South, and North America, particularly the United States. Harris told a UN briefing in Geneva it’s not over until there is no virus anywhere in the world.
She also called for protesters across the world supporting the Black Lives Matter movement to take precautions, urging those taking part to socially distance, frequently wash their hands, and avoid touching their mouth, nose, and eyes.
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