The sunset is oftentimes magical. Especially in New York at a time when the sun is disappearing behind the gold-bathed skyscrapers of Manhattan

The sunset in Manhattan, New York, can best be seen from Queens.

Queens is part of New York City and, while not as densely populated as Manhattan, it is one of the largest urban centers in the United States. At the same time, parts of some of the Queens look like suburbs.

The part along the coast is ideal for tourists. There are multi-story buildings, from the coast you can see Manhattan, which with its dazzling lights looks unreal, and the sunset is especially magical.

The sun’s rays are first washed and reflected in the East River, which separates these two suburbs of New York, and then rises above the tall towers of Manhattan, then slowly fearing the sky purple goes behind them and disappears into the far ‘Wild West’.
Prepared by: A.M.
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