On Tuesday, the Serbian government adopted a protocol for the entry of Serbian citizens and foreign citizens into the country, which includes either a negative test for the corona virus, which is at most 72 hours old, or a 14-day quarantine.
Foreign nationals can enter Serbia on two conditions – a negative PCR test for coronavirus no older than three days and a certificate from a commission made up of representatives of the Serbian Ministries of Health, Foreign and Interior, and the Ministry of Transport, obtained at the Serbian embassy or consulate. from which they come.
Serbian citizens with a negative PCR test for coronavirus, also not older than 72 hours, can enter and move throughout the territory without restrictions, but without a PCR test with a negative result, everyone – without exception – will have to spend 14 days at home in self-isolation, writes Hina.
The Health Crisis Staff for the COVID-19 pandemic recommended to the Serbian government to fully open the borders to the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro and Northern Macedonia from June 1, for which the prescribed protocol of entry into Serbia will apply, it was announced after the session. government.
Patria / Balkantimes.press