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‘No preferential treatments’; how Edi Rama was expelled from Lufthansa flight to the USA

Der Spiegel reports that the incident, confirmed by other Frankfurt-Detroit passengers, began with Rama refusing to wear the forced mask on the plane
Der Spiegel: Rama escorted by the police for refusing to wear a mask on board – Photo: Euronews Albania

The German magazine ‘Der Spiegel reported on Friday that the Prime Minister of Albania was escorted by the German police in early December last year, after a conflict with the crew of a Lufthansa plane, due to the refusal to wear the appropriate mask against COVID-19.

Rama, who took out the blinds in the streets of Tirana to impose quarantine and threatened Albanian citizens by publishing videos where police beat protesters in the streets for violating the rules against the spread of COVID-19, reportedly in the December 3 rally refused to wear the mask required by the crew.

The article says that the flight crew was forced to notify the flight captain, but even this could not convince Rama.

” When even after that, the head of the Albanian government did not obey the general obligation to wear an FFP2 mask or a surgical mask instead of a simple one-piece mask, Rama was escorted off the plane by the federal police,” writes Spiegel.

Endri Fuga, Director of the Media and Information Agency at the government did not deny the incident but claimed in a Twitter post that it was caused by the plane’s staff and that the company had apologized.

“Old news, for an incident that basically did not have the placement of the mask, but the misconduct of one of the crew members. The company’s feeling was accepted that day “, wrote Fuga, posting a photo of an e-mail with the company.

The e-mail, however, does not acquit Rama of the allegations made in Der Spiegel. In it, the company is careful to state that it apologized only ” in case the behavior of any crew member was perceived as inappropriate and was not treated with the necessary sensitivity and discretion “.

Spiegel nga ana e saj thotë se drejtuesi i Lufthansas Carsten Spohr e kishte pranuar incidentin në një intervistë për revistën në 1 prill edhe pse nuk e ka përmendur emrin e Ramës. Gjatë intervistës i pyetur për telashet me një “shef qeverie” që kishte refuzuar të vendoste maskën, Spohr ka mbështetur vendimin e punonjësve të kompanisë ajërore për ta larguar Ramën nga kabina e avionit.

“Si për çdo pasagjer asistenti i fluturimit iu lut me mirësjellje zotërisë të vendoste maskën: një herë, dy herë. Pas kësaj drejtuesja e kabinës shkoi tek ai: një herë, dy herë. Pasi edhe pas kësaj nuk ndodhi asgjë kapiteni u kujdes që pasagjeri të zbritej nga bordi i shoqëruar nga policia federale,” tha Spohr.

“Unë mbështes plotësisht ekuipazhin tonë, nuk ka trajtime preferenciale,” shtoi ai.

Asked by BIRN if this behavior showed a double standard and if he had an attitude toward what was written in the German magazine ‘Spiegel’, Fuga said that he would not add anything to what he had written on Twitter.

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