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Imam in Ottawa addressed the protesters and simply delighted the crowd by explaining Islam’s attitude towards racism on the example of Bilal the Black Slave (video)

Addressing the masses, the Imam of Ottawa spoke about Bilal, a black slave redeemed by Muslims to end his torture. A large stone was placed on Bilal’s chest and Bilal could not breathe.



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Bilal the black slave was one of seven who were the first to publicly declare their accept of Islam. Which makes it clear that 14 centuries ago, Muslims made no class or racial distinction between people. The Imam joined the “Black Lives Matter” movement, and a standing ovation was heard from the crowd.

He also spoke of Muhammad’s s.a.v.s speech at his farewell hajj when he said:

“O people, your Lord is one, your father is one. There is no advantage of an Arab over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab over an Arab, nor red over black, nor black over red, except the fear of God (takvaluku) ”.

He taught the Qur’an and said that the incident with Floyd should not be forgotten because in that case it would be repeated over and over again, he said in the end that God knows everything best. The crowd shouted Allah akbar!


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