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How to strengthen children immunity in winter

Experts reveal: How to overcome winter diseases and antibiotic therapy as easily as possible, and how to strengthen their immunity
Photo: Babyology

Children get sick more in winter, and how to strengthen their immunity, how to use antibiotics correctly, and how much probiotics can help, Dr. Krešimir Gjuračić, scientific director of the Probiotic Excellence Center of the company AbelaPharm and specialist in pediatrics, Dr. Iva Pavlic, reveal in the missMAMA podcast.

Winter brings with it many respiratory infections, and the treatment often ends with the help of antibiotics. They treat effectively, but also, we can put it that way, leave damage on our bodies.

Children are especially sensitive there, and how to overcome winter ailments as easily as possible and how to tolerate antibiotic therapy as easily as possible, in the missMAMA podcast ‘Antibiotics and probiotics’ powered by Bulardi, experts, specialist in pediatrics, Dr. Iva Pavlic and Dr. Krešimir Gjuračić, scientific director of the AbelaPharm Probiotic Excellence Center.

“Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, not viral ones, and what I would like to emphasize is that we do not take antibiotics on our own. It is important to be guided by the recommendation of the doctor who prescribed that antibiotic, to take the medicine when the doctor prescribed it, take it full dose of the medicine and we don’t skip doses because it very often happens that people stop taking the antibiotic after two days, when they get better,” said Dr. Pavlic.

Dr. Gjuračić spoke about how a probiotic can help if a child is on antibiotics: “There is a whole series of preclinical and clinical studies that show the effectiveness of Saccharomyces Boulardi when taking antibiotics, first of all, they help with diarrhea, but also candidiasis and mycosis. can be taken by children. Until recently it was thought that it could be taken by children aged two months and over, but research has shown that it can also be taken by newborns. Abela Pharm has a special preparation for children that helps children recover, for example, from diarrhea caused by taking antibiotics. Unfortunately, children often get sick, so they have to receive antibiotics for inflammation, and this hurts their intestinal microbiota. Bulardi is not a bacteria, it is a yeast, and it is not sensitive to antibiotics, so it can be taken together with antibiotics and it prevents problems related to along with antibiotics. Probiotics should be continued after antibiotic therapy has ended for at least two weeks.”


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