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Dr Kisic Tepavcevic Reveals: “Coronavirus Is Not Actually Attacking The Lungs; The situation is Much More Serious”

Dr Darija Kisić Tepavčević shared the latest findings on coronavirus

Epidemiologist Dr. Darija Kisic Tepavcevic was asked if it was true that coronavirus actually attacked hemoglobin, thus stopping the distribution of oxygen throughout the body and responding to the lungs that there were different hypotheses.

– Yes, different hypotheses also emerge about the possible causes, that is, risk factors that can contribute to the poor course of the disease by certain protective factors, as well as different theories about the pathogenesis, the relative course of the disease.

One of these that has emerged is directly related to hemoglobin. There are some theories that this virus can affect the displacement of oxygen from hemoglobin, and that it directly leads to hypoxia. These are now different scientific theories that will only be examined in more detail in the coming period – explained Dr. Darius.

Alleging that respirators can be damaging to health, she said that these are machines that are most valuable to us right now.

– There is no evidence that it can adversely affect the course of the disease, mechanical ventilation is the one that significantly saves lives – concluded Tepavcevic Kisic.

Kutaknet / Balkantimes-press

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