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CROATIAN “BATMAN” stopped the wild wagon

The unknown hero of HŽ from Dugi Selo was discovered, in a Batman-style helped his colleague Marko stop the ‘wild wagon’
Photo: Union of Train Operators of Croatia

HŽ internal traffic controller Luka Ivančić set up a passage for the freight train on November 28 when it was entering Dugo Selo. The turnout had ‘gone mad’ and he ran outside to tell his colleague Marko Lončarević, who then jumped on the wagon…

HŽ has its own Justice League. And Marko and Luka ended up being like Batman and Robin. These are the moments when you know whether you are or not, tells us Mario Grbešić, president of the Croatian Train Operators Union after announcing that in the incident on November 28 in Dugo Selu was another traffic hero, who remained somewhat in the shadows. It is about Luka Ivančić, who has been working in this job for maybe only six months.

His work was discovered in the analysis of the incident case, which is why he was proposed for a 300 euro reward.

Namely, it was Luka that evening, as an internal transporter, who set up a passage for freight train 48911 when it was entering Dugo Selo station. After the front of the train passed the 2nd track near the traffic office, the switch lost control. Luka noticed this and ran out of the office to his colleague Marko Lončarević. According to HŽ information, Marko had already heard the alarm when his colleague came to him. They saw that the train was not slowing down, and the driver could not see the stop sign. There was no time to turn off the voltage, so Marko then ran along the second track, like Batman, he jumped on the second-to-last wagon and turned on the tap. He managed to stop the entire train before it destroyed the station.

– We talked with Luka later and found out how well he did it as if he has three months until retirement, and he just started working as a traffic driver. Marko himself praised him – Grbešić confirmed to us.

The proposal for the payment of the award to Luka and Mark, who should receive the amount of one full salary, will be voted on by the Board on Thursday. By the way, they also promised a reward to the traffic drivers from Meja and Škrljev who prevented more damage on Monday when the trains collided.

– In addition to the wish that in the future there will be as few situations as possible in which such brave moves by our workers will be necessary, it is nice to know that we have someone to rely on if needed – say the union.

(24 sata)

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