C ++ basics and other things, questions and answers
So C ++ for a beginner programmer is the best as the first language in OOP programmingSocial Media Images
If you have a quality lecturer who will explain step by step not only the syntax, which is at the same time difficult and too easy but literally, but also all the great things about stack and heap memory, etc. and a lot of that knowledge can be transferred somewhere else in another language …
C ++ is according to legends the most powerful OOP language but it is also very difficult, whoever masters it 10% has a basis to be a ninja in any other oop language that is why very often in serious faculties of electrical engineering.
C ++ is studied as the first general language, relatively early in relation to the length of study, so that there is time to settle the material and to improve language skills through other subjects … and then when you go to a job and safely says you work in Java, you eat Java in max 2 weeks :-D: D of course if an old horse is learning to program and is in a hurry to get to work, he’s not crazy about getting tired and wasting time with C ++