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Antonio Guterres: Coronavirus pandemic is the biggest crisis since World War II

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned today that the world is facing the biggest crisis since World War II, a pandemic that threatens people in every country and will lead to a recession that was not in the recent past.

Guterres said in a statement today that there is a risk that the combination of disease and its impact on the economy will contribute to “instability, greater unrest and heightened conflict”.

He called for a stronger and more effective global response to the pandemic and the social and economic consequences.

He emphasized that this would only be possible if everyone came together and forgot the political games and realized that “humanity is at stake.”

“Response strength must be comprehensive, coordinated and comprehensive in response to the scale of the crisis, with the responses of countries and international organizations led by the World Health Organization (WHO),” the Secretary-General said, noting that some countries did not follow WHO guidelines.

He also announced the establishment of the Coronarvirus Response and Recovery Fund to support low and medium GDP countries, with the aim of quickly allowing these governments to cope with the crisis and recover.

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